Social Media Brand

This One Conventional Way Can Change Your Social Media Brand

Social media brand

Nowadays, if you ask anyone about the type of branding, he/she is definitely going to choose social media branding because the trending topic of influencer marketing is heating up. Your social media brand decides the future of your business.

Though people consider that if you run an offline or online business, you must spread the words about your business on the different social media platforms.

I have been using Twitter and LinkedIn for many years and experienced how people transform their personal brand.

Have you ever thought to give it a try? I know not everyone is fond of Twitter but is any platform where you’re good at?

I have been always asked if there is any magic trick to get thousands of followers. It’s kind of hard to make people understand that success doesn’t happen overnight.

But this one thing can amplify your growth. Your social media brand can be changed. Wow!.. now you’re assuming something you have never heard of. Right?

Well, you already know, you just want someone to push you.

Have You Ever Studied the Social Media Network You Use

Everyone is running after finding something eminent who can transform. Well, it’s only you who can change your own success rate.

Let me mention some common things everyone should adopt.

  • Check post schedule
  • Quality is always appreciated
  • Build a brand instead of leveraging it with sake posts
  • Respect the platform
  • Consistency is everything

Whether you use Instagram or Facebook, you must know what you truly intend to do. The goal of your posts should reflect quality.

That’s not enough. Every platform has a different algorithm and you have to do some research.

Many people confuse LinkedIn with Facebook and post their selfies which directly send them to the ignored zone by the professionals.

Twitter works totally different. It’s a micro-blogging platform you have to target the audience according to your brand.

How to Change Your Social Media Brand Like the Influencers

Before that, let me ask you a question.

What’re the most important things you can do to ruin your chances of success on the web?

  • Are these your unauthentic ways
  • Wrong post sharing time
  • Treat one platform just like another
  • Target the same audience on each platform

Well, if you ask me, I would say all of them. What’s that one thing which should be done before you start building your social media brand on any platform?

That’s the study you do for your followers.

Social media branding

If you use LinkedIn, you can easily find the people who are interested in digital marketing, social media marketing, real estate, web development, cryptocurrency, and what not.

But if you’re a Twitter user then it’s hard to find out about your current followers. But if you vary your tweets then maybe you can get an idea.

Twitter is a vast platform and there is no particular headline like Facebook and LinkedIn to find out the profession of any user.

  • Invest some time in your favorite platform
  • Never run on multiple social media platforms
  • Choose only Two
  • Check the daily statistics of your user engagement

Investing the time on a single platform is worthy. I have always been focusing on LinkedIn and Twitter and that’s the reason people know me as an Influencer.

No one taught me to do social media marketing

As I always said, no one is a better teacher than yourself. Your failure can teach you a lot. You will grow with the time.

If you wish to become a social media celebrity in a few days then it’s just hallucination. I believe in the practical life which requires the hard work.

“Study Your Network More Than the Network Owners”

Can you scale your social media brand? Is there anything you would want to share? Feel free to comment.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Social media is growing day by day and as most people get access to Internet, it’d become important for brands to stay in the limelight and grow a targeted follower base.

    I whole-heartedly agree with your saying that no one is better teacher than yourself. Experimenting and learning is the best way to grow your business and you should always be ready to take risks.

    Thanks for sharing this amazing post.


    Shafi Khan

  2. Nice post on social media branding Ravi!

    I haven’t been doing a lot of social media branding this past year (2017).

    But, this new year of 2018 I made the decision to focus more on social media to keep on growing my blog’s brand.

    My favorite social networks to use are LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Facebook is still on my list, but I don’t use it very often.

    I know Instagram has great potential for web traffic. I have been active on the network and I’m already seeing some traffic to my internet marketing blog from it. You just have to be super consistent with what you post and the type of content you post.

    I think a successful social media campaign is all about testing and learning what works best for you, your brand, and your personality. Social media is all about being social with the real you and the value your brand has for the niche marketplace.

    Thank you for sharing this Ravi!

    Best regards! ?

  3. Hi Ravi,

    Social media was completely new to me when I started my blog. Like you said, the only way that you learn is just by continually doing and implementing things.

    That’s pretty much with everything in life. The more you practice and just keep doing the better you will eventually get at it.

    You can’t expect to learn everything just by doing it once. You have to keep honing your skills and eventually, before you know it you will realize that what used to be hard is now so easy.

    When I first started using Pinterest, it used to take me over an hour just to create my pins and share them. Now I can get my pins created in 5 minutes or less. I am also better at knowing where to share my pins and how to share others.

    This was all learned by me just getting to know the platform and using it on a daily basis.

    Thanks for sharing this.

    Have a great day ?


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Another great article as usual. As you pointed out, no one taught you social media marketing. That’s great, which means there’s always a leading curve.

    For me identifying your target audience, in terms of demographics, gender, age, interest – the types of content that engages them, etc is the first step for me. All others can come after.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. You are absolutely correct, Ravi. It’s always better to focus only on one or two social networks and build your brand and presence there. I think this way you will stay more focused and will get most of the audience there.

    Anyway, thank you for sharing another great article here!



  6. Hello Ravi,

    Exactly, now social media ain’t anymore just a platform where one can say ‘Hello’ and make random friends, now it has evolve

    it self as a brand, brands which reflect people and their online business.

    People are using their social media accounts for transforming their personal brands.

    Twitter has help me a lot, one of the best micro blogging platform where we can touch people who are interested in our


    Now one can master the perfect skill just in a single day or month, it keeps to be refining so that the best can come to us

    and also we can learn how various social media platforms works and what are their ethics to get a win win situation for us.

    Thanks for the share.


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